This episode discusses UFO sightings in China and the history of UFO/extraterrestrial involvement in China.  It starts with a discussion of claims made by Sun Shuli, identified as a former government official, who says that the Chinese government is aware of extraterrestrials visiting the Earth and that there are aliens moving among us disguised as humans.  He also claims a personal UFO sighting in 1972.  Right away the viewer must ask oneself a question: Why, if Dr. Sun was so highly placed in China’s government, has he been allowed to make such claims?  Plausible deniability, I hear you say.  Well, if you’re gonna be like that, you might as well stop reading now. 🙂

The show then moves on to a discussion of the Chinese imperial dynasties, starting with the Yellow Emperor.  He is a quasi-mythological figure who, like foundational figures in many cultures, is credited with a great deal more than any one man could possibly have accomplished, including creating or improving mathematics, astronomy, and agriculture.  He is also said to have arrived on a dragon and to be able to call dragons down from the sky.  This leads to the (inevitable at this point) conclusion that the Yellow Emperor was an alien.  The sFobidden Cityhow then also suggests that all of the emperors were at least part alien, because they were descended from the Yellow Emperor.  That simply not true: the different Chinese dynasties, like dynastic monarchies across the world, are different because the throne changed hands from one family to another.  This alien ancestry of the Chinese emperors is suggested as a reason for keeping these monarchs in seclusion in the Forbidden City.  The desire to remain isolated amongst a very few trusted people has a much less extraordinary reasoning: it reduces the opportunity for assassination and makes the monarch a figure of mystery and awe.[1]


The viewer is then presented with an account from a Chinese logger of his sighting of a crashed UFO in 1994.  He tells the story that he saw the crash, then went to investigate, and was unable to actually see anything because when he got close, he was hit on the head and knocked unconscious. He then claims that while he was recuperating from this, he was visited by a ten-foot tall alien.  I am not a neurologist, but that sounds to me like the result of a concussion.  This logger is presented as representative of the thousands of Chinese people who have had UFO/ET experiences, but no other stories are given.

The viewer is then presented with an archaeological find, which is supposed to indicate that aliens lived/are living in China.  This is the Tarim Basin mummies, which are found amidst evidence of ancient cities, and are not genetically related to modern Chinese people.  The show says that these mummies have anomalies in their DNA which are not found anywhere else on Earth, which is simply not true.  While these mummies are fairly unique in terms of genetics for finds in the area, they are all identifiable: they are Caucasian/Indo-European, a mix of people from Europe, the Indus Valley, and Mesopotamia.  There is certainly no evidence to support the show’s claim that these mummies are extraterrestrial in origin.

The show then discusses a pyramid that was discovered in 1947 by Colonel Maurice Sheehan in the Shaanxi province.  As always on Ancient Aliens, a pyramid in one place must be related to all pyramids everywhere, and these cannot possibly be the result of human ingenuity and hard work, but must be the result of extraterrestrial planning.  They add to this for the Chinese pyramids by talking about the similarity between alters found in China with alters found in Peru, which must mean that the construction of these was initiated by the same alien influence.

We then move to the example of the Fuxian lake, under which an ancient city has been discovered and is being studied by archaeologists.  To anyone other than an Ancient Alien Theorist, this is just like many other cities that existed in areas that were dry thousands of years ago, and are now underwater.  There’s nothing particularly odd about this: water levels have fluctuated over the course of human history, sometimes overtaking settlements.  The show, however, presents it as a possible entrance to an underwater alien base.  This is connected to a series of UFO sightings in 2015, in which it is claimed that a UFO shaped like a city was seen in the sky.  The reality of this is it was simply a mirage, caused by reflections of the city itself in the clouds.[2] floating-city-china.jpg

The show ends with discussion of Chinese people who are looking for UFOs, including the building of a new radio telescope, but that all of these efforts are being monitored by the Chinese government.

Overall, this episode is a microcosm of the whole Ancient Alien idea.  The influence across history, with supposed visitations highlighted in the modern day, all with government collusion.  Not one of their best, not one of their worst.

[1] Forbidden City image via Public Domain,

[2] Cloud city image via